Our story begins in 2020, in Los Angeles, California, a curious aspiring student at life and coffee connoisseur decided to open a coffee company for people who seek the real taste of fresh coffee. Not so different from other aspiring coffee entrepreneurs, finding culture in third wave coffee was rare. Hassan Farhat wanted to bring culture to third wave coffee. With his middle eastern cultural background, Hassan wanted to bring third wave coffee and middle eastern flavors together in one cup. Allowing you to capture a taste you can’t find anywhere else.
Just like the city of Prague, the name Prauve came to fruition. In respect of the qualities we know in specialty coffee, Prauve represents the Pure, Rich, Authentic, Unique, Vibrant, and Excellent quality found in each cup.
Now, we are still united by the simple purpose of getting great coffee to everyone who asks for it.
We strongly believe in direct trade because it allows us to genuinely partner with our coffee farms. Our commitment to change the dynamic is to influence more collaborations with local coffee farms from around the world; one cup at a time.
We carefully collect insight and best practices from all our growing partners to improve overall quality. We also ensure awareness about sustainable farming and environmental practices with our commitment to paying above fair-trade prices for purely outstanding coffee.
This demonstrates the care and respect of the land and a sustainable business model for our coffee farmers. Because of this we can provide you with pure rich authentic unique, vibrant, and excellent coffees you can’t find anywhere else.
Opening another chapter in the history of specialty coffee.